Knee Deep charges $45-$65/hour and offers writing and editing, project management, marketing, PowerPoint and Keynote design, web design & development, and other services. We charge for all time including the project coordination required to complete any job (such as reviewing and organizing related documents, calendaring items, notes and planning, meetings, and phone and e-mail communications).

Our rates are in line with those charged by "virtual assistants" for basic administrative support (Knee Deep services run beyond basic support), and are far lower than rates charged by many design and PR firms.

For ongoing work completed on a retainer basis (a minimum number of guaranteed hours per week or month), hourly rates may be reduced.

We charge $35/hour for the very-basic administrative time required to set up and close any project (a minimum of one hour), which covers the creation of e-mail and project folders, adding a project to our Work Description sheet (required for tracking time), and closing and archiving completed projects.

Invoices to clients include total hours and a copy of our detailed Work Description, showing a project’s history and each task completed.

Invoices are generally submitted to clients every few weeks, and can be paid by check or PayPal (all PayPal methods except credit card). Client deposits, retainers, and other specifics are negotiated on a per-project basis.


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